Saturday, February 27, 2016

DIY Dry Shampoo

I remember going to the salon on the eve of my 30th birthday and being told by my stylist that I just have to stop shampooing every day. Impossible. It'll never happen. But, I listened...thankfully, and became a dry shampoo addict--particularly of one brand.

 My husband used to tease me that I was killing the ozone layer with my compressed spray loaded with artificial color (you know, intended to look blonde) and toxic fragrance. Maybe my one little can (every couple months for yeeeeears) wasn't actually killing the planet one spritz at a time, but it couldn't have been very good for my hair, my scalp, or this body of mine into which it absorbed.

 I sought out to make a healthier version and I experimented with a lot of recipes until I found one that caused me to do my own personal slow-clap. We are talking still-soft and not straw-like hair that looks clean for days! Mix it together with some essential oils, and toss it in a glass jar for safe keeping.

The best part? All of the ingredients already live inside your pantry! OK, the other best part? In addition to smelling great and not being bad for you, you get the benefits of the essential oils. I chose soothing lavender and cedarwood. Toss it on before bed, throw your hair in a bun (or updo of your liking), and wake up to awesome hair. It's the easy, kids.

Here's the recipe:

  • A scant cup of Arrowroot powder (you can sub corn starch if you'd like)
  • 1/4 cup of ground oatmeal (I just tossed it in a burr grinder--worked like a charm!)
  • Four to five drops (or more, if you so please) of essential oils. Again, I chose lavender and cedarwood. You can purchase them from the only brand I trust here!
  • *For dark hair, add in 1/4 c of cocoa powder and for red hair, add in 1/4 c of cinnamon. For blonde hair, you're good! Warning--you will smell amazing!
Use a whisk or fork to mix ingredients together. To apply, just use a clean makeup brush and tap off any excess. 

Let me know how it worked for you in the comments.